We are providing automatic electric school bell, Biometric attandance for staff, Projectors for classrooms, Fees Management Application

automatic electric school bell

Plays bells at preset times.No need to assign a person for ringing bell every time. Saves man power and money. Accuracy to timings.No manual intervention. Easy programming with the help of LCD and key Pad followed by instruction. It is design to eliminate the day-to-day and hour-to-hour manual process of switching the bell. Automatically switches the bells as per setting. Internal battery for clock operation even in power outage. VERY EASY TO USE.

Samudra providing automatic electric school bell, Biometric attendance for staff, Projectors for classrooms, Fees Management Application

automatic electric school bell

Plays bells at preset times.No need to assign a person for ringing bell every time. Saves man power and money. Accuracy to timings.No manual intervention. Easy programming with the help of LCD and key Pad followed by instruction. It is design to eliminate the day-to-day and hour-to-hour manual process of switching the bell. Automatically switches the bells as per setting. Internal battery for clock operation even in power outage. VERY EASY TO USE.

Biometric attandance for staff

Biometric time and attendance systems have become popular in the business world today when it comes to tracking employees and their attendance. Biometric systems are easy to use, easy to install and track data regarding employees for management to analyze.

Projectors for classrooms

The best projector for a classroom needs to be big enough for the kids in the back of the room to see, bright enough to overcome the ambient light from the windows, and affordable enough for school districts to buy many of them.
From small classrooms to large lecture halls, our projection solutions have got you covered. Whether you’re looking for high performance, interactivity, or great price-performance models, we have the projector to perfectly fit any school environment or need

Fees Management Application

It helps users in managing all aspects of their organization, from admission and fee payment to the scheduling of courses, management of student credit points and curriculum.

Fees Management Application

It helps users in managing all aspects of their organization, from admission and fee payment to the scheduling of courses, management of student credit points and curriculum.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)