We are newly introducing the school kits and student kits to help the students ,parents and school management.

Samudra Student Kit

Samudra student kits consists of Textbooks,Notebooks and bundled staionary kit. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on shipping costs and manual work for the parents and the schools

Samudra School Kit

Samudra School kits consists of Office and classroom needs like Registers,Dustless Chalkpieces,markers,etc,. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on shipping costs and manual work for the schools

Samudra Tech Kit

Samudra Tech kits consists of Automatic School Bell, Biometric Attendance ,Classroom Projectors etc,. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on manual work for the schools and improves the technology based programs
Samudra provides Student Kits, School Kits & Tech Kits.

Samudra Student Kits

Samudra student kits consists of Textbooks,Notebooks and bundled staionary kit. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on shipping costs and manual work for the parents and the schools.

Samudra School Kits

Samudra School kits consists of Office and classroom needs like Registers,Dustless Chalkpieces,markers,etc,. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on shipping costs and manual work for the schools

Samudra Tech Kits

Samudra Tech kits consists of Automatic School Bell, Biometric Attendance ,Classroom Projectors etc,. We deliver the academic stocks as per the school requirement at their appropriate time of sales.This kits is to help you save on manual work for the schools and improves the technology based programs

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)