Samudra School Needs plays a crucial role in terms of being an educator and a supplier, we concentrate on providing comprehensive charity and support to strengthen the education by supporting academic improvement and as well as economic developments of schools in rural and urban regions.
We are providing all school needs like Textbooks ,Notebooks, Hand writing Books, Practice Books, Abacus and all important school needs in seperate and kit formats.
We are newly introducing the school kits and student kits. We ship classroom supplies and equipments as per the school requirement
Samudra aspires to become India’s largest marketplace for educational needs of Students, Parents, Teachers, Institutions, Education Businesses and Corporations. With good vision and determination, We assure you of best services at all times.
Samudra aims to enhance the reach of quality service in education to all parts of India. Samudra core interest in providing services for schools in academic requirements and catering to reputed educational organizations by supplying their school needs
Our main aim is one point of contact to all your school needs. Samudra core interest in providing services for schools in academic requirements and catering to reputed educational organizations by supplying their school needs
Samudra School Needs conducts the workshops to improve the art skills of the children and hosts an annual art competition opens to children to encourage the creativity of children.
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